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Carbon Digital


We specialize in web development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and growth strategies. Our business foundational framework is designed to help you stabilize your problems in order to scale strategically.


ADA Compliance

Price: $175/hour

When people thing of web accessibility, the first thought is typically for blind people and the use of a screen reader. While the screen reader is part of what makes up an accessible website, there are more factors that are brought in like people with learning disabilities or cognitive disabilities. The idea is that anyone can access the web without problems. There are many accessibility requirements that determine the accessibility standards. Some of these standards are for specific markup structure (the code behind your website), there is a significant part on keyboard focus navigation, screen readers and having a high contrast in colors for those that are colorblind. The list is quite extensive. This wide variety of avenues leads many websites open to lawsuits for non-conformance.

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/ada-compliance

App Development

Price: $175/hour

We specialize in Javascript based application (app) and software development. We primarily develop web, mobile and desktop apps on the Node.js cross-platform runtime environment; or "platform" for short. A web application is any application software that runs on a web server, and accessed with a web browser. Which is unlike traditional computer-based software programs that are saved and opened directly on your computer. A mobile application, also referred to as a mobile app or simply an app, is a computer program or software application designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone, tablet, or watch. A desktop app is the traditional computer-based software program that is saved and opened directly on your computer.

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/app-development


Price: $175/hour

Branding is the process of giving a meaning to a specific organization, company, logo, icon, products or services, and emotion. We apply branding by creating, forming and shaping the preconceived "image" that will rest in consumers’ minds. There are several factors that make up a brand, that are either tangible (like a logo or color scheme) or it could even be intangible (like an emotion or feeling inside).

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/branding

Business Development

Price: $175/hour

Business development (BD) actually encompasses anything in the development, nurturing or improvements of any areas within the business. Here at Carbon Digital, we actually focus on the strategic aspect of business development. Strategic business development is the alignment of business development processes and procedures with your firm’s strategic business goals. The role of strategic business development is to acquire ideal clients for your highest priority services using brand promises that you can deliver upon.

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/business-development


Price: $175/hour

Any topic within our wheelhouse is open for consulting contracts. For most clients, this typically revolves around process improvement, development strategies and automation but we also consult on all services where possible. The largest difference between our services and our competitors is that we help you get outside of your own head. Many times, when you are too close to the content, it's harder for you to review the topic objectively. We help you take that needed step back, and provide those outside the box creative solutions when you get stuck. Additionally, it doesn't matter what industry you are located in, or what type of business that you have.

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/consulting

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Price: $175/hour

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the monitoring and analysis of your website where you seek to improve the transformation of your visitors into customers. CRO covers a wide span of potential, but the majority of these tasks can placed into a few categories of actions. This list is not all inclusive, but it's a great start. The reality is that CRO is an area that should consistently be monitored and updates made regularly.

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/conversion-rate-optimization

Data Analysis

Price: $175/hour

Organizations in all industries increasingly rely on data to make critical business decisions—which new products to develop, new markets to enter, new investments to make, and new (or existing) customers to target. They also use data to identify inefficiencies and other business problems that need to be addressed. In these organizations, the job of the data analyst is to assign a numerical value to these important business functions so performance can be assessed and compared over time. But the job involves more than just looking at numbers: An analyst also needs to know how to use data to enable an organization to make more informed decisions.

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/data-analysis


Price: $175/hour

Marketing entails product development, market research, product distribution, sales strategy, public relations, and customer support. Marketing is necessary in all stages of a business's selling journey, and it can use numerous platforms, social media channels, and teams within their organization to identify their audience, communicate to it, amplify its voice, and build brand loyalty over time. On the other hand, advertising is just one component of marketing. It's a strategic effort, usually paid for, to spread awareness of a product or service as a part of the more holistic goals outlined above. Put simply, it's not the only method used by marketers to sell a product.

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Price: $175/hour

It all starts with the search engines (like Google). Every search engine sends out crawlers to gather all the content and information they can from across the internet in order to build an index. When a query comes through, the search engine’s algorithm sifts through that index in order to provide the most important and relevant information in the search results, commonly know as the search engine rankings. And that’s where SEO comes in. Optimization allows us to help search engines understand what’s on your website, the value your business has to offer, and how you connect to relevant keywords. It’s the foundation that drives organic traffic to your website and strengthens every aspect of your digital marketing strategy. But major search engines are constantly evolving their algorithms and strategies to meet rising user demands. That’s why it’s essential to maintain a sustainable optimization strategy that is continuously working for you and your business.

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/seo

Web Security

Price: $175/hour

Increasing web use, rapid cloud adoption, and greater numbers of mobile and remote users are exposing your network to additional risk. Symantec Web Security Service (WSS) is an indispensable line of defense against modern day cyber threats. It provides secure web services, enables enterprises to control access, protects users from threats, and secures their sensitive data. Moving to the cloud introduces new security and compliance risks, but it also enables tremendous new defensive strategies. Cloud-delivered network security adds flexibility and boosts performance, while protecting users with consistent threat prevention and data compliance policies—wherever they go.

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/security

Web Design & Development

Price: $175/hour

In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95% of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line. That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Carbon Digital, the web design agency that’s driven more than $1 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

Visit Service Page: https://carbondigital.us/services/web-design-and-development


  • 519130: Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals

  • 519190: All Other Information Services

  • 541511: Custom Computer Programming Services

  • 541512: Computer Systems Design Services

  • 541519: Other Computer Related Services

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